Cake Holes: Bompas & Parr explore the art of sploshing

Cool Sh*t, Film & Art, Play / 2 November 2016
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Cake Holes: Bompas & Parr explore the art of sploshing

Cool Sh*t, Film & Art, Play / 2 November 2016

Cake Holes is a celebration of the contemporary art of sploshing…WARNING: you may never look at cake the same.

We’ve exhausted the fad of cake pops. Cake Boss is a thriving business and television series. Cake vodka exists. Even mug cake is a universal craze. Risque food artists, Bompas & Parr have added to the world of cake puns, with a very left-wing concept of Cake Holes.

The concept is as raw as it sounds, and celebrates the liberal act of sploshing. Trust Bompas & Parr, with the help of Jo Duck (photographer), to create an art exhibition out of the sexual fetish of sitting bare-bummed on cakes and jellies. Despite the rather unappetising concept we love anything that pushes the boundaries when it comes to food.


The two London lads from Bompas & Parr are recognised globally as ‘food architects’ for their innovation in food art. The are particularly well known for their jelly models of St Paul’s Cathedral and their more recent 200 course tasting menu. However Cake Holes is a much more provocative concept than their previous work.

Sam Bompas, explained the difficult recruitment process as “none of our regular friends, lovers and collaborators wanted to participate as models…so we just put an open call out on Instagram and saw who turned up”.

“A surprisingly large number of people want to spend their Saturday afternoons sitting on cakes and jellies.”, says Sam. A comforting thought regarding the nature of our generation. Their art series captured a range of bellies and butts being plonked, dropped or gracefully placed on a dessert of the models choice.

All in the name of research of course, the models filled out questionnaires with questions ranging from “their favourite food dishes to how they would solve the greatest challenges to humanity today!”, explains Sam.

If there’s anyone we’d be intrigued to hear suggestions from on solving world crises, it would definitely be Cake Holes models!

Check out more of Bompas & Parr’s incredibly innovative projects HERE!
Bompas & Parr
+44(0)207­ 403 9403

Jo Duck 
0425 728 549