Get ready to scream at this immersive flight simulator experience, conducted in complete darkness.
For most of us, traveling by air is a familiar experience. From lining up at security gates to checking in baggage, the usual routine of catching a flight is one we’ve done many times before. But for those of us who get sweaty palms when up in the air, this new immersive experience might be your worst nightmare.
Step into FLIGHT, the new immersive production brought to you by Realscape in association with DARKFIELD. The experience takes place in complete darkness inside a 40ft shipping container, offering punters the chance to experience a dark journey into the air (without leaving the ground). The production is the latest installment of the DARKFIELD series, with the previous production SÉANCE recording sell-out seasons across Australia, giving guests a 20-minute immersive experience using sensory deprivation to play on perceptions of reality.
FLIGHT uses pitch darkness and binaural audio to give guests an unnerving experience of taking a flight. Once inside the shipping container (designed to replicate a typical commercial aircraft), guests grab their assigned seat and buckle in before putting on a pair of special headphones. The cabin is then drenched in complete darkness with guests left to let their imagination run wild as the flight unfolds. From engine sounds to the faint cries of a mysterious baby a few rows back, the spacially-driven sound effects truly immerse you in the moment and deliver a chilling flight experience.
The production explores our greatest fears when it comes to flying, offering a unique experience that has to be witnessed to be believed. For those who’ve taken part in SÉANCE, expect similar tech but with a very different twist guaranteed to get your heart racing.
FLIGHT: A journey in complete darkness is currently touring Australia, with dates for the upcoming Sydney installment soon to be announced. Click here to stay up to date with the latest announcements.