10 Questions With Tom Walton

10 Questions With..., Sydney / 27 May 2015
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10 Questions With Tom Walton

10 Questions With..., Sydney / 27 May 2015

1. What prompted you to get involved in the Legends & Lamb Evening?
I love lamb and really liked what the event was about with Mates for Mates and how the evening was put together. It was a great room with some very inspiring people.
2. Tell us about the lamb dish that you prepared?
I went with a classic. A lamb pithivier (a fancy pie really) made with the slow braised lamb shank meat served with a delicious pea puree and Madeira jus.  
3. What drinks do you think pair well with lamb? 
Red wine is an obvious choice. I love a cab sav with a lamb roast. Some craft beers are also fantastic with lamb, depending on the flavours. You can’t go wrong with either Young Henry’s real ale and natural lager.
4. Where do you source your lamb for The Bucket List? Why is that important?
I have a great relationship with Mirrool Creek. They are the farmers and they also use a quality network of farmers producing exceptional lamb. It’s important to know you’re getting a consistently high quality product and know that it has been looked after from paddock to plate.
5. The Bucket List values seasonal and health conscious food, what produce is in season now?
At the moment I am loving brussel sprouts (roasted and served with hummus, maple, chill and mint), pumpkin, cauliflower, baby carrots and beetroots as they are perfect for roasting and caramelising to make some delicious salads. Cabbages and cavalo nero is also great now and perfect with lentils and grains in bone broths and alongside crisp polenta with tallegio and walnuts.
Winter soups with some twists are also coming on with pumpkin, parsnip and cauliflower in rotation.
Pomegranate is also one of my favourites for delicious healthy and exciting salads and additions to raw and cooked seafood dishes
6. The Bucket List is such an amazing summer venue. What can we expect to see on The Bucket List menu over winter?
Winter is a balance between the comfort food but I also like to highlight delicious fresh and lighter winter food too. Local tuna and kingfish are running in the cooler months so there will be plenty of carpaccio. Mussels and seafood stews, braised beef cheeks w horseradish pork belly with pickles and tamarind, roast pumpkin, charred onion and millet salad and a cracking little smoked trout salad with fennel, apple and hazelnuts. Sunday roast lamb shoulder is another dish. A warm comforting little quince pudding with creme fraiche, orange blossom and maple walnuts.
7. When you’re making lamb at home what’s your favourite dish to cook for friends?
Lamb shoulder with hummus, pomegranate ezme and a shaved zucchini and fennel salad. I usually serve it with a garlicky tahini yogurt sauce on the side. They’re the flavours closest to my heart, real, wholesome, exciting food that makes people happy.
8. When you aren’t eating at The Bucket List, where do you love to EAT? 
It’s hard to leave Bondi with such an amazing choice for food now.  I love Harry’s for breakfast and a great coffee or lunch at Porch and Parlour. For dinner with mates I love Sefa, Corner house and Sean’s. If I head further out I live Ester, The Apollo and the fish markets.
9. Where is your favourite place to DRINK in Sydney other than Bucket List? 
For the detox, I love Orchard Street for organic juices, elixirs and kombucha… For the retox I love the vibe at The Hardware & The Baxter Inn. It’s all about balance.
If it’s a day off, then I’m usually coastal and I love Coogee Pavilion Rooftop with great views. I also love getting into the outdoors around Centennial Park and the little bays around the harbour with some BYO drinks, food and friends.
10. If you head out after service, where do you like to PLAY?
Doesn’t happen much as we have a 1 year old daughter, but it would be The Baxter Inn, Hardware and Frankies is a bit of fun.