Can you guess which flavours are which? Watch on as our office blind tastes the new Macro WholeFoods Chips range.
Snackaholics and lovers of all things chip ‘n’ dip can now rejoice, as Woolworths has just released a brand new range of dip flavoured chips. Hitting shelves earlier last month, these Macro Wholefoods Market chips come in three flavour varietals, including Hummus with Split Pea Chips, Tzatziki Lentil Corn Chips and Spicy Tomato Salsa Chickpea Corn Chips. Replicating the delicious taste of some of our favourite traditional dips, the beauty of these little munchies is that there’s no need for the dip. Snacking on the go just got a whole lot more convenient!
Here at Eat Drink Play, we work in a pretty awesome co-share workplace. We thought what better way to suss out these flavours than to perform a blind tasting on a variety of people in the office. Ms Darlinghurst asked several probing questions, including what flavours they were able to identify with each delicious mouthful.
Interested in seeing what everyone thought? You can watch the video for yourself here.
Not only are Macro chips gluten free and made using no artificial colours and flavours, we can confirm that they’re downright yummy, not to mention a little addictive. With more whole grains and fibre than the regular chip alternative, they are the smart choice when you’re feeling a little snacky.
Macro Wholefoods Chips are now exclusively available for sale from the health food isle of your closest Woolworths and Woolworths Metro supermarkets.
To read more about the Macro Wholefoods Range at Woolworths, you can jump on the official website here
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