Bahama Gold Launches Quick-Fire Wine Delivery: Bahama Litres

Drink, Melbourne / 13 December 2023
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Bahama Gold Launches Quick-Fire Wine Delivery: Bahama Litres

Drink, Melbourne / 13 December 2023

In bustling Brunswick, Bahama Gold unveils Bahama Litres, a novel wine delivery service. As Melbourne’s celebration season swings into high gear, this swift delivery ensures your party never runs dry.Bahama Litres

Quick and Quality Wine at Your Doorstep

Bahama Litres is the perfect ally for impromptu gatherings and wine lovers. Picture this: guests are arriving, and you’re short on wine. A simple call to Bahama Litres resolves this. They offer an assortment of organic, sustainably produced house wines at an attractive price – $22 per bottle or $59 for three.

Exclusive Collaboration for Exquisite Tastes

These aren’t ordinary wines. They result from a unique collaboration with renowned winemakers Damon Koerner and Koen ‘Yetti & The Kokonut’. The selection is diverse. There’s Koerner’s ‘Bright Red’, a light blend, the refreshing ‘Rizza’ Riesling, and ‘Skinzies’ Pinot Gris from Little Reddie. Each bottle reflects the makers’ passion and expertise.

Eco-Friendly, Refillable Luxury

This merges luxury with sustainability. Each order arrives in Bahama Gold’s custom bottles. These aren’t just for one-time use. Return them for refills at a reduced price of $20. This initiative is a nod to Melbourne’s growing environmental awareness, offering both economic and ecological benefits.

Lygon Street HQ

Bahama Gold, nestled at 135 Lygon Street in Brunswick East, stands as a vibrant confluence of a public bar and a liquor store. It’s a place where the community’s heartbeat is mirrored in the ever-changing roster of beverages and the pulsating rhythms of a well-curated record collection. The bar’s ethos revolves around a deep connection to its locality, reflected in the selection of local beers on tap, rare wines, and wines served straight from the keg, all chosen with an eye for minimal intervention but maximum impact on the palate.

At the helm of this sensory journey is the Bahama Llama, a connoisseur of both beverages and music. This unique role goes beyond mere curation; it’s about creating an atmosphere where every sip is accompanied by a carefully selected beat. The impressive record collection and high-fidelity sound system are not just background elements; they’re integral to the Bahama Gold experience, infusing each visit with a rhythm all its own.

Diving into the digital era, Bahama Gold’s Liquor Store expands its reach beyond the physical space. Here, the tech-savvy Bahama Llama ensures a continuous influx of new and exciting beverages online, approximately 30 each week. This seamless blend of traditional and digital retailing caters to a wider audience, ensuring that the unique Bahama Gold experience is just a click away. The store’s express delivery service within 10km and same-day delivery across Melbourne mean that the essence of Bahama Gold’s distinctive mix of drinks and music can be enjoyed in the comfort of your home.

In summary, Bahama Gold transcends the typical bar or liquor store format. It’s a hub where the local culture of Brunswick East finds expression through an eclectic mix of drinks and music.

Bahama Litres