Man Builds Homeless Women a Tiny Home!

Cool Sh*t, Play / 6 May 2015
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Man Builds Homeless Women a Tiny Home!

Cool Sh*t, Play / 6 May 2015

Elis Summers lives in a home in California. He noticed recently than a homeless woman, Irene ‘Smokie’ McGhee was sleeping in the dirt near his house. The 60-year-old woman had been homeless for the past 10 years. Refusing to accept this state of affairs, Summers went out of his way, spending $500 of his own money on supplies and set aside a few hours to build Smokie a place to call home. Smokie is now the proud owner of a tiny house on wheels. She has hung a ‘home sweet home’ sign inside and now has a roof over her head.

In California the law states that the tiny home is legal if she moves it every 72 hours.

Summers recorded the building process and uploaded a timelapse video to YouTube last week. The video has since gone viral with over 3.5 million views. He also started a GoFundMe campaign, Starting Human, so he can continue to build tiny homes for those in need.

This made us feel warm and fuzzy. What a great human being.