You read correctly. Sydney is about to become a little more hipster thanks to the newest trend of broccoli lattes.
Broccoli lattes. An creation this genius could only be the brainchild of science experts CSIRO and Hort Innovation. Thanks to their cutting-edge research you can now get your caffeine hit and a serve of veggies in the one go. Win-win.
And it gets better. The nutrient-dense green powder is developed from imperfect-looking broccoli that would otherwise go to waste. The powder is made from 100% whole broccoli using a process of pre-treatment and drying which ensures it keeps its natural colour, flavour and nutrient composition. A happy ending for the ugly broccoli- we all have hope.
And it’s potential doesn’t stop there, with plans for use in smoothies, soups, baking and snacks. Such a cool creation could not only provide farmers a way to cut waste but also give busy parents and fussy kids a simple way to up their daily veg intake.
A few select cafes in Melbourne have been lucky enough to trial the broccoli lattes, sparking some mixed reviews. But before we can get our mittens on the stuff, the powder needs to be taken into further product development and consumer sensory evaluation trials.
Get ready to say goodbye to your soy flat white and hello to broccoli lattes!
Broccoli lattes don’t take your fancy? Check out T Totaler’s range of delicious brews here