5 cool things we saw on the Internet this week

Cool Sh*t / 13 March 2019
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5 cool things we saw on the Internet this week

Cool Sh*t / 13 March 2019

From pasta straws to dog memes, take a work break and enjoy the beauty of the world wide web.

Oh the Internet, you glorious, destructive and distracting beast you. Need an excuse to step away from your 1000+ emails? Tap out and let your eyes ogle over these 5 cool things that crossed our paths this week online.

1) Pasta straws

Forget soggy paper straws and say adios to environment killing plastic. These pasta straws are changing the game. Check out this South Australian restaurant chain that’s swapping plastic for pasta.

2) Game of Thrones Season 8 Trailer

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have heard that the GoT season 8 trailer has been officially released. Haven’t watched it? Join the 43 million others and get AMPED.

3) an Instagram account that shows you how to make the perfect cheese board

We’ve all seen those aesthetically impressive cheese boards circulating on social media. How do they make them look so good, you ask? Our guess is those people are following @cheesebynumbers. Get step-by-step instructions on how to create the perfect cheese board here. Hello weekend activity.


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SWIPE TO BUILD ➡️ That “BRIE-kend” Plate ? Sometimes all you need is a wheel of brie to celebrate the weekend. KEY 1 – CHEESE: 1 Wheel of Brie 2 – MEAT: Prosciutto + Spicy Salami River 3 – FRUIT: Blueberries + Apples 4 – VEG: Olives 5 – CRUNCH: Crackers, Mixed Nuts + Goat Cheese Crackers we got in London at @marksandspencer 6 – DIP: Tomato Jam from @jammyyummy 7 – GARNISH: Fresh Thyme and Mini Roses? #CheeseByNumbers #ThatCheesePlate #SwipeToBuild

A post shared by CHEESE BY NUMBERS (@cheesebynumbers) on

4) this amazing photo.

God bless you, Internet.

cool sh*t


5) Jameela Jamil giving a powerful speech on how to end toxic masculinity

Set aside the full seven and a half minutes to watch actor, activist and founder of I_Weigh, Jameela Jamil, give a poignant talk on toxic masculinity. In her words, ‘this is a call to arms for any women who have boys growing up in their household’.