Shane Delia is an award-winning chef and restaurateur. His new show, Shane Delia’s Spice Journey has just started on SBS, taking viewers on a culinary adventure through the middle east. Embracing his heritage and discovering ancient recipes along the way he applies his inspiration and unique cooking style on screen. It’s sure to leave us wanting more.
We recently caught up with Shane for a chat about food, cooking and his new TV series:
1. What Middle Eastern dish do you love cooking? Kibbe Naya when I have amazing fresh lamb or goat.
2. What is your favourite spice? Right now it would have to be saffron. I brought back 1kg from Iran and I’m in love with it.
3. Top 3 ingredients you can’t live without? Water, eggs and salt.
4. What can we expect to see on your new TV series, Shane Delia’s Spice Journey? A culinary pilgrimage! If you’re in Melbourne,
you can try the dishes I cook on the show in my restaurant maha (
5. Where would we find you when you’re not in the kitchen? At home sleeping; I’m always at work!
6. Where is your favourite place to EAT in Sydney? Depends on who I’m with but I would have to say Lucio’s Pizzeria.
7. Best bar/club/place to PLAY in Sydney? Palmer&Co in Abercrombie Lane
8. Where do you find the best produce? Again it depends on what I’m looking for but I have a small supplier who specialises in one or two products.
9. What is your food philosophy? Life is too short to eat boring food!
10. What plate of food would you bring to a potluck dinner? My maha slow roasted lamb shoulder. It is a winner!
For more info on Shane Delia visit his website: or follow him on Twitter: