10 Questions with Lee Holmes

10 Questions With..., Eat, Interviews / 4 March 2015
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10 Questions with Lee Holmes

10 Questions With..., Eat, Interviews / 4 March 2015

Lee Holmes recently teamed up with aboutlife Natural Marketplace for its Annual Biggest Ever Community Detox. The series featured inspiring cooking classes using recipes from her book ‘Eat Clean, Green and Vegetarian’. Her next class Supercharged Suppers will take place on March 18th. We caught up with Lee recently to ask 10 questions about food, life and all the things in-between.

1. You’ve almost entirely given up sugar, what couldn’t you live without?

I follow the 80/20 rule and have sugar occasionally I don’t think it’s good to give up anything completely as it can result in disordered eating. I do love to eat hazelnut gelato!

2. You’ve got a daughter, what do you cook for her? 

Today I cooked a slow cooked grass fed lamb and vegetable hotpot and she loved it. I added thyme and lemon and apple cider vinegar and lamb broth.

3. What is your favourite produce that is in season at the moment?

I am loving green beans right now.

4. Of all your recipes what has been your most creative combination?

I would have to say my raspberry and cauliflower cheesecake it doesn’t even taste like cauliflower and is divine!

5. Tell us what do you eat as a guilty pleasure?

Hazelnut gelato.

6. You often cook with rice malt syrup, how do you use it?

I use it mostly in my baking recipes it goes well in granola too.

7. What advice could you give people wanting to eat clean?

Just take it slowly and find some easy recipes to replicate with simple fresh ingredients.

8. Where can you EAT healthily in Sydney?

I love aboutlife in Double Bay and do all my shopping there also and I like Henley’s Wholefoods in Bondi Junction.

9. Where do you like to have a DRINK in Sydney?

Watsons Bay Hotel.

10. What do you do for PLAY in Sydney?

I go to Kutti beach with my dog Cashew.

Lee’s book Eat Yourself Beautiful can be purchased here.