Community Garden, Dan Hong Haymarket Tour, Halloween House Party and more

Ms D's Week in Pics, Sydney / 30 October 2013
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Community Garden, Dan Hong Haymarket Tour, Halloween House Party and more

Ms D's Week in Pics, Sydney / 30 October 2013



I discovered a local community garden space just of Victoria St, Darlinghurst near the church. Felt inspired by urban farming and decided I need to grow more herbs and veggies at home.
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Had a lovely spring menu inspired lunch in a private home catered by catering group Gastronomy.


Ran around Rushcutters park a few times then did 3 sets of this program. Wooot feeling good!
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Was lucky enough to be asked to join chef Dan Hong for a late night tour of Haymarket. We visited five of Dan’s favourite late night eats including Waitan which official opens tonight.
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I had my annual Halloween House Party. Everyone went all out with the costumes, it was a seriously awesome night. I went as a scary crow!


At 3am Sunday morning we were still going with the Halloween party. I don’t have any pics from later on Sunday as I spent most of the time feeling very sorry for myself, in bed with aspirin trying to rehydrate my body. Ain’t nobody wanna see that!