Get Match Fit With Wine at Little Prince Wine’s Unique “Personal Training” Sessions

Drink, Melbourne / 28 August 2023
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Get Match Fit With Wine at Little Prince Wine’s Unique “Personal Training” Sessions

Drink, Melbourne / 28 August 2023

A Whole New Meaning to ‘Getting Fit’

Forget the gym. This year, Little Prince Wine is swapping dumbbells for decanters. Starting 31st of August, this boutique hotel is launching a five-week “Personal Training” program. But don’t worry, the only sweat you’ll break will be from choosing between a Chardonnay or a Shiraz.

Little Prince Wine

The Coaches You’ll Actually Listen To

Little Prince Wine Personal Training will be guided by Head Wine Coach, Laurent Rospars, and Senior Bubbles Trainer, Lorenzo Valdinocci, these 45-minute classes are far from your average gym session. They aim to shape up your wine smarts, just in time for the festivities ahead. Whether you’re a wine newbie or already well-versed in varietals, there’s a spot for you.

What’s on the Agenda?

The journey starts with a Wine Fitness Assessment. Think of it as the alcohol equivalent of a beep test. You’ll be quizzed on your wine basics, setting the pace for the rest of the program.

Next, it’s onto Fizzical Therapy. Dive into champagne facts and master the art of blind tasting. By the end, you’ll know why champagne is your diet-friendly alternative to gin and tonic.

Session three, cheekily called Prescription Meds, takes you on a wine tour around the Mediterranean. From Spain to Sicily, your taste buds are in for a treat.

Don’t forget the Code Pink Boot Camp in week four. Transport yourself from the shores of St Kilda to the French Riviera, exploring the world of rosè.

Finally, wrap up with a Meal Plan that’s actually fun. Decode the science of acid and tannins, and discover why fat isn’t your enemy when it comes to food and wine pairing.

Let’s Talk Logistics

Sessions start at 6:00 pm and last for 45 minutes. The price tag? $55 per class or nab the full five-week program for $225.

Little Prince Wine Personal Training

It’s wine education without the snooze factor. Whether you’re prepping for a fancy soirée or just want to impress at the next family dinner, Little Prince Wine’s Personal Training series has you covered.

So, Melbourne, put down that protein shake and swap it for a wine glass. This is the kind of fitness program you won’t want to skip. Get your tickets here.