10 Questions with Alex Luther From Chasing Canguro

10 Questions With..., Play / 27 June 2018
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10 Questions with Alex Luther From Chasing Canguro

10 Questions With..., Play / 27 June 2018

Chasing Canguro follows one incredible journey of one almighty challenge.

Ever wondered what it would be like to water-ski 5010kms around the Mediterranean? So have we. Meet Alex Luther, who’s just about to embark on a journey of epic proportions – matching his grandfather Harry Luther’s world record of 10 days, 5 hours, and 36 minutes. We learn more about his journey dubbed Chasing Canguro.

Harry Luther, dubbed by his Italian friends as ‘Canguro’, was a professional cyclist and world champion water-skier. Having passed away tragically young, Alex hopes to reconnect with the spirit of his grandfather in following his footsteps. With the challenge kicking off tomorrow, get special insider knowledge of the infamous Canguro here. 

Alex Luther’s Intended Route

1. Having never water-skied before you started training, what was your first time like? 

It was pretty satisfying, I had waited long enough, I was pretty focused and determined to make sure we nailed it. It was also very special for my first time to be where Harry used to waterski with him watching over me.

2. What type of physical training are you engaging in?

I spend as much time as I can water-skiing to help build up endurance in the legs. Long bike rides also compliments water-skiing along with gym work to help strengthen the upper body.

3. Why do you want to emulate your grandfather’s world record? 

I want to see what I am capable of both mentally and physically. I also have such amazing family history, to be able to share a story by emulating my grandfathers world record is very rare and something special.

4. In what ways do you think you’re like Harry Luther?

I bear a strong resemblance to Harry and from what I am told I have many of his traits, especially his obsessive compulsiveness. He turned his dream into a reality and I am doing the same.

5. How do you think your life will be affected if you beat Harry’s world record?

I don’t think much will change, I will continue going to the river to water-ski and race, spending time with my family and friends.

6. What type of mental or emotional preparation are you doing?

I finished a 25-hour military bootcamp to see how I would cope mentally and enjoyed it very much. I am constantly learning how to overcome new emotions and having a long term goal helps build and develop control of them quite well.

7. How do you think you’ll react if you can’t achieve your goal?

I can’t see that happening, but if it did I would be pretty disappointed in myself and would need to learn to accept it and move on.

8. What do you think the hardest part of your journey will be?

Waterskiing 5,010 kms in 10 days, 5 hours and 36 minutes.

9. Other than following in your grandfather’s footsteps, what do you hope to achieve from this?

To achieve my dream and inspire people, proving that anything is possible.

10. Having come so far, what are the next steps to achieving this task? 

Stay focused, train hard and keep the dream alive. We are also looking for the right broadcaster to come onboard (pun intended)…

Follow Alex’s journey here:
Website: http://www.chasingcanguro.com.au/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChasingCanguro
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzMjjVEuh5h82l8K0pO2c9w