10 Questions with Poh Ling Yeow

10 Questions With..., Eat / 3 June 2013
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10 Questions with Poh Ling Yeow

10 Questions With..., Eat / 3 June 2013

2009 Masterchef favourite, Poh Ling Yeow, is on a crusade to get Aussies tasting and experimenting with the food of her homeland, Malaysia.

She believes that our palates already developing with dishes like laksa, satay chicken and various curries landing on dining tables across the nation.

Poh also says the fact that Australia is a cultural melting pot means the combination of flavours from Malay, Chinese and Indian food are a great cuisine for us. Move over steak on the barbie with a beer!

She is the Malaysian Kitchen ambassador and also has her own website, which you can check out here.

We recently caught up with Poh for a chat about her food, cooking, and culinary escapades since Masterchef. 

1. What has been your greatest culinary achievement since Masterchef?

Probably learning how to make a really good Beef Wellington – it combines my love for making pastry and fear of big slabs of meat! Having my own cooking show on ABC has been pretty amazing too – being able to get people excited about being better and more adventurous home cooks.

2. If you could choose one Malaysian meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Assam Laksa

3. Top 3 ingredients you can’t live without? 

Butter, eggs and salt

4. Who inspired your love of cooking?

My mum and my great Aunty Kim

5. Where would we find you when you´re not in the kitchen? 

Potting plants, DIYing around the house or in the studio painting

6. Best bar/club/place to play in Sydney?

For me, it’s all about the company but as a general rule anywhere that you can hold a conversation. I hate crowds so no clubs for Poh.

7. Where do you find the best produce?

Adelaide central market

8. What is your food philosophy?

I’m really into making things from scratch, preserving cultural cuisines (I hate bastardising traditional recipes) and buying local

9. Where is your favourite place to eat out in Sydney?


10. What plate of food would you bring to a potluck dinner?

Definitely dessert because it’s the glamour dish isn’t it?