10 Questions with Luke Hines and Scott Gooding

10 Questions With... / 6 August 2013
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10 Questions with Luke Hines and Scott Gooding

10 Questions With... / 6 August 2013

As the City2Surf draws closer, we thought we’d have a chat with My Kitchen Rules’ favourites, Luke Hines and Scott Gooding.

Lovers of good food and cooking up a storm in the kitchen, they are also personal trainers. We’ve got some hot tips from them for those running the City2Surf, as well as some of their best moments on MKR.

1. Tell us a bit about your background with food.

L: I have always loved good food. It didnt necessarily have to be fancy or expensive, I just loved health, high quality produce with heaps of flavour. It was when I became a personal trainer I realised how I wanted to fuel my body optimally, so I taught myself to cook clean, fresh food.

S: I grew up in pubs in the UK because my mum and dad ran pubs and prided themselves on serving good, wholesome home-cooked food. So I guess from an early age I’ve been around food. I’ve also always been into fitness so naturally my focus had been healthy food.

2. What’s your fondest foodie memory?

L:  I had an amazing opportunity to eat at the world renowned Per Se, Thomas Keller’s famous restaurant in New York. It was phenomenal. 10 courses of absolute heaven food.

S: It would have to be my mum’s famous steak and kidney pies. People would flock from miles round just to get one. Dad’s oxtail dish was amazing too. I was always fascinated but he actual oxtail.

3. You were favourites on My Kitchen Rules – what’s your most memorable moment?

L:  I think it was standing on the cliffs of Broome, the tip of cable beach, surrounded by crystal clear water and red sand. Not only had we come so far in the comp but we were in one of Australias most beautiful locations.

S: It was so traumatic I can’t remember a thing … only kidding! It would have to be cooking on the beach in Broome. It was about 40 degrees and cooking over hot coals just intensified the heat. And the guests arrived on camels!

4. You’re both personal trainers – how do you balance your love of food with your love of exercise?

L:  I train as hard as I do so that I can eat as much as I like. Although, regardless of how much I eat, it is always healthy and good quality food.

S: It’s easy: I train hard just so I can eat as much as I do! I love cooking and eating so training once or twice a day allows me to eat like a horse all day.

5. You’re running The City2Surf in support for The Black Dog Institute  – tell us about that institute.

L:  The BDI is a phenomal non-for profit-research/ support facility in NSW supporting those affected by depression or other mood disorders. It is a starting point for many seeking care, and at the forefront of research and development in ways to tackle these very common social issues.

S: The BDI conducts research into mood disorders and depression. They also assist with patients that have severe cases of depression. Their work is invaluable and money is really needed for their outstanding work to continue.

6. What’s the best food to eat before and after the race?

L: A good carb meal the night before is fantastic, because you need the nergy but dont want to have to eat too much the day of the race. Have some sweet potato the night before, and then just something small like half a banna the day of the race!

S: Before the race eat 1 or 2 hours but nothing that’ll bloat you (a simple banana will do) and eat some starchy foods the night before. After the race make sure you eat within 2 hours as your body is primed for replenishment for the first couple of hours – eat a balanced meal with all the macro nutrients.

7. Any last minute tips for successfully completing the 14km course?

L:  I believe it is all in the head. If you believe you can do it, then you will! Dont be too hard on yourself. Allow yoruself to rest if you need it.

S: Resist going off too fast at the start! Save something in the tank for the end. Don’t worry if you haven’t done 14kms before Sunday. The crowd will carry you the extra few kms in the end. Enjoy it and be a part of one of the best races in the world.

8. Where’s your favourite place to EAT in Sydney?

L: I love Porch and Parlour in Bondi. It’s a great little cafe with high quality coffee and a really healthy and clean menu featuring quinoa, kale and more!

S: Can’t go past Chiswick in Woollahra – great food, great service and amazing value. Also Sefa in Bondi rocks too.

9. Best bar in Sydney to DRINK at?

L: I am not a drinker, but nothing beats a quiet little wine bar tucked away somewhere private.

S: I don’t often drink but if I do there had to be music so perhaps Sticky in Darlinghurst – they often have a live band paying wicked tracks.

10. Where do you love to PLAY in Sydney?

L:  The beaches are my playground. I surf, swim and run at the beach – it is my true love. I was a water baby growing up, and nothing has changed.

S: Anywhere there’s music that gets you moving. I also love to train outdoors around Bondi … is that playing?