Cruise Bar is offering an exclusive experience for 1 lucky winner to celebrate New Years Eve on the Harbour in style with 1 x Double Pass to Destination.
Beginning at 7pm, La Fiesta Sound System will headline Cruise Bar’s NYE Destination – a sizzling, high-energy celebration up close to all the Sydney Harbour action. There’s also a stellar DJ line-up including: Cadell, Matt Roberts, Sista P, Robbie Santiago, Brenny B Side and Strike.
Tasty street food is included all night long while you dine up close and personal to the planet’s biggest NYE show: the Sydney Harbour fireworks.
To enter, tell us in 25 words or less “why is Sydney the best location to celebrate NYE?”
Most creative answer wins. Write your answers in the comments section below. Winners notified on Tuesday 24th December (Christmas Eve).