Underground Cinema Tickets

Film & Art, Play, Sydney / 19 November 2014
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Underground Cinema Tickets

Film & Art, Play, Sydney / 19 November 2014
Life. After the turning. You have survived. Just.  Now it is time to find safety in numbers. One last mission. You have to make it alive. You have to succeed…you have to run if you want to survive.
Our creative friends at Underground Cinema are back in Sydney this weekend hosting their first show from their UGC Classics series.
We’ve giving away a double pass to EPIDEMIC 2.0
When: Sunday 23rd Nov @ 4.30pm*
Where: Secret Sydney- revealed via SMS the day before
Dress: To run- NO HIGH HEELS
Bring: Your survival skills & a torch

*Please note that all shows are 4+ hours long including the live experience & movie. This is NOT just a movie. Cash bar & hot food on site.
Limited tix still available here for those who missed out on the first release: http://undergroundcinema.iwannaticket.com.au/event/sydney-ugc-classics-presents-epidemic-20-ODEzNQ
Students have a special super secret discount code ‘UGCstudent’ which reduces tix to $35.
For the chance to win a double pass to Underground Cinema this Sunday tell us in 25 words or less your favourite classic film and why. Write your answers in the comments section below. Most creative answer wins!