Special Offer with James Halliday and Wine Companion Products

Drink, Sydney / 15 July 2013
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Special Offer with James Halliday and Wine Companion Products

Drink, Sydney / 15 July 2013

James Halliday is Australia’s most respected and trusted wine critic, renowned for his editorial independence, incredible wine vocabulary and his encyclopaedic knowledge. James’ portfolio is available on the ever-popular Wine Companion Annual, iPhone apps and the recently release of James’ newest endeavour, James Hallidays’ Wine Companion magazine, packed with all you need across food, wine and travel.
We’ve got the hook up with a 40% discount off any of the Wine Companion products. Simply head to http://www.winecompanion.com.au/become-a-member  and enter the promo code eatdrinkplay at the checkout to claim your discount.
