Say goodbye to awkward Zoom meetings and hello to fun interactive online experiences with your team.
Working from home isn’t all fun and games. Sure, it was a novelty at first and it gave us an excuse to take a full lunch break outside and create a delicious home-cooked lunch. Fast forward to almost two months in and we’d rather throw the laptop across the room than join another awkward Zoom meeting.
If you have experienced some poorly hosted Zoom meetings in lockdown, Spark’n is coming to your rescue. Their hosts can guide your team through an interactive online experience. The best part? They only go for 15 minutes which means everyone should be able to fit it into their busy schedule.
So how does it work? Each online experience offered is called a “Spark” and will be hosted by one of their passionate storytellers. Choose between a South African Shark Scientist who can take teams swimming with sharks, a Brooklyn Street Artist who helps teams create their own company tag or a Norwegian Astrophysicist who answers the mystery of the universe. No matter what you choose, each experience is sure to get you thinking outside the box and feeling more productive as a team.
You don’t have to worry about not having the budget for Spark’n experiences. Your boss won’t have to spend more than a team coffee run (those were the days). And luckily for our readers, we’ve teamed up with Spark’n to give you an exclusive discount code. Get 50% off your first Spark with the VIP discount code EDPVIP21.
Join Nike, Singapore Airlines, Audible and more as they bring their team together over interactive experiences in lockdown. For more information, click here
Need some fun ideas for your next Zoom work drinks? Discover them here