Fifties Fair Competition

Competitions, Sydney / 12 August 2015
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Fifties Fair Competition

Competitions, Sydney / 12 August 2015

Want to win tickets to the Fifties Fair?! 

The Fifties Fair is all about dressing up to the nines, perusing vintage goods, dancing to live bands and more!

Share your fifties style with us for a chance to win one of three double passes! Comment below and in 25 words or less tell us about your favourite fifties music or leisure time activities for your chance to win.
Need some inspiration? How about your vinyl collection, that vintage guitar in the window of a music shop, your vintage picnic set or classic crafting like crochet. Each pass includes entry to the Fifties Fair vintage shuttle bus to and from Turramurra Station to Sydney’s iconic Rose Seidler House, home of the Fifties Fair.
The Fifties Fair competition is brought to you by Sydney Living Museum. The winners will be notified by email by the Wednesday 19th of August 2015.

Competition has now closed. 
Event information here
Fifties Fair
Fifties Fair
Sunday 23rd August
Rose Seidler House
71 Clissold Rd, Wahroonga NSW 2076
Sydney Living Museum Website
Fifties Fair