Maker & Creator – Nick Maricic

Maker & Creator Podcast, Music & Tech, Play / 8 August 2018
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Maker & Creator – Nick Maricic

Maker & Creator Podcast, Music & Tech, Play / 8 August 2018

Nick Maricic – Alter egos

Would the real Trance McShady please stand up? Nick Maricic is a NIDA trained actor, performance artist, director, web series creator, story teller and founder of an ethical organic cotton clothing range called Trance McShady. We chat to him about the challenges of making and creating on a shoestring budget. Also, what happens when you feel you’re not as good as other people in your field and don’t think you ever will be? Do you walk away completely or pivot into a new direction? Nick shares the vulnerabilities that come with that journey and the benefits of fresh perspective and innovation that often result.

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