10 of the Best Instagram Accounts to Follow

Cool Sh*t / 27 May 2015
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10 of the Best Instagram Accounts to Follow

Cool Sh*t / 27 May 2015
When your Instagram feed is full of selfies and boring baby pics check out these fresh accounts to follow…
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For the dog lovers out there- this pooch is unstoppable! @digbyvanwinkle
 For guaranteed laughs guaranteed… @thefatjewish
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 For the inner OCD in all of us… @oddlysatisfying 
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The story of one girls crazy jewish mum in America… @crazyjewishmom
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For the cuteness factor… @biddythehedgehog
For little pieces of art made out of random objects @cintascotch
food art
For ways to play with your food… @leesamantha
dog instagram
This furry fashionista is so big right now… @trotterpup
Coffee Art
 For Coffee lovers… @yoyoha
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Two of our favourite things. Here kitty kitty… @cashcats